Welcome to the CPE Credit Courses testing phase

Welcome to the most helpful “Continuing Education Credits” (C.P.E.) credit courses you could ever take as a N.Y. state accountant servicing clients as a provider of both consulting and “set-Up” services for clients in a variety of specialized industries.


These courses have been overwhelmingly successful on the most popular learning platforms for accounting and QuickBooks such as Udemy.com and Youtube.com. On Udemy, these courses enjoy the highest star rating among thousands of QuckBooks tutorials available.  The vast majority of reviews are 5-star reviews from amongst the 30,000 paying students of Mark Smolen QuickBooks training’s courses on Udemy.

On YouTube, literally millions of people around the word have viewed and gained from these same videos and have liked and shared them hundreds of thousands of times. I’m happy to make all course statistics, on both platforms, available for anyone who is interested.

On both platforms, I have had C.P.A.’s and attorneys reach out to me to recommend that they become C.P.E. accredited course. I would love to accommodate them! 


These top-rated courses have helped many accountants set up and train their clients in QuickBooks for specific industries like Real Estate Rentals, Attorneys In A Law Firm, Contractors/Construction Companies and even Home finance. These courses prove that QuickBooks Desktop and/or QuickBooks Online, are actually better that for these industries than any other “industry specific software” that come and go as technology changes. These courses have already proven to the world that QuickBooks is best for these industries. That’s because these are the only tutorials that are complete, beginner-to-end- tutorials, where the example company is the company in that industry. This way, it’s set-up from the beginning in the way the learner needs, and the procedures START with the procedures and transactions of that specific industry. That’s why they are so successful. These courses are best for accountants and those who are auditing these types of companies so one is prepared for what they need to look at.


These courses are still in the creation phase. I have applications pending for C.P.E. credits and am waiting for approval from the New York State Accountancy Board. I’m very hopeful that you will help participate during this “beta-testing” phase to help give the proper feedback to get the courses approved.